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ringwood heights primary school

Little Kids thinking big!

School Council

School council is the legally formed body that is given powers to set the key directions of a school. It is the major governing body of the school that, within DET (Department of Education and Training Victoria) guidelines, decides the future directions for the school and oversees the school’s operation. Becoming a member of School Council is an excellent way to become involved in our school.  

Council is comprised of the Principal, with four parent and four DET representatives with elections occurring biennually.

Much of the work of School Council is achieved through the following committees – Community Liaison, Facilities and Grounds, Education, and Finance, all of which welcome parents and guardians to be involved.  School council currently meets at least twice per term.

Community Liaison forms a bridge between the school and our community. They promote activities within the school (for example whole school picnics, year level gatherings for parents, families and carers) and those which give prospective parents an experience of life at Ringwood Heights. They play a valuable role in the transition program for future foundation students.

Facilities and Grounds are a valuable support in the upkeep of our beautiful gardens, native bushland, the kitchen garden and the forest area. They organise working bees once a term where families are invited to come along and weed, prune, rake, shovel and many other tasks. Those with building and carpentry skills are very welcome to support minor building projects around the school grounds. Each working bee finishes with a sausage sizzle which provides an excellent opportunity for families to network together and chat with teachers and friends.

Education committee oversee the development and progress of the School Strategic Plan and the Annual Implementation Plan. They develop and refine policies and oversee the work of the curriculum committees.

Finance committee manages the school budgets, cross checking payments and expenditures and planning major projects.